IT fakultātes asociētā profesore, inženierzinātņu zinātniskā institūta "Ventspils starptautiskais radioastronomijas centrs" vadošā pētniece
Matemātikas doktora zinātniskais
grāds (Dr.math.)
+371 63628303
Zinātniskās publikācijas indeksētas Scopus un Web of Science
Sergejs Hilkevics, Gaļina Hilkevica, „NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES USE FOR LATVIAN COMPANIES FINANCIAL HEALTH EVALUATION", The International Journal ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES, ISSN 2345-0282 (online) 2017 Volume 5 Number 2 (December) p.178-189 Scopus, Web of Science
Svetlana Polukosko, Galina Hilkevica, “Ground anchors using in hydraulic engineering”. Proceedings of the “17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2017”, 29 June – 5 July, 2017, Albena, Bulgaria. VOLUME: 17, p. 405-412. ISBN 978-619-7105-99-5/ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/12 Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO
Galina Hilkevica, Svetlana Polukoshko, Sergejs Hilkevics, “EARTHQUAKE ACCELEROGRAM PROCESSING USING SINGULAR SPECTRUM ANALYSIS”. Proceedings of the “16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016”, 30 June – 6 July, 2016, Albena, Bulgaria. VOLUME: III, p. 451-458. ISBN 978-619-7105-57-5/ISSN 1314-2704 DOI: 10.5593/sgem2016B13 EBSCO, Web of Science
Svetlana Polukoshko, Vladimirs Gonca and Galina Hilkevica, “Modified Methods Compressive and Tension Stiffness Calculation for Thin-Layer Rubber-Metal Compensating Devices”. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 4, No. 5, October 2016, p.439-446. Scopus, Web of Science
Svetlana Polukosko, Galina Hilkevica ,“SEA LEVELS CHANGING TREND IN MAJOR EUROPEAN HARBOURS”. Proceedings of the “16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2016”, 30 June – 6 July, 2016, Albena, Bulgaria. VOLUME: I, p. 973-980. ISBN 978-619-7105-55-1/ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2016B11 Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO
Gonca V., Polukoshko S., Hilkevica G. Adhesive Layer Influence on Compressive and Tension Stiffness of Thin Layer Rubber – Metal Elements, Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, Vol.23, p.697-707 (Scopus, Web of Science)
Polukoshko S., Hilkevica G., Gonca V. Nonstationary Processes Studying Based on “Caterpillar”- SSA Method. Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, Vol 23, p.999-1008 (Scopus, Web of Science)
Gulbe, L., Hilkevica, G. Vegetation change detection in Landsat TM time series using singular spectrum analysis and regular forest inventory data. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 2014 3(2), pp. 397-404 Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO
Polukoshko, S., Hilkevica, G. Hydrological time series investigation and forecasting using “Caterpillar” – Singular spectrum analysis approach. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 2014, 1(3), pp. 389-396 Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO
Polukoshko, S., Hilkevica, G., Gonca, V. Non-stationary vibration studying based on singular spectrum analysis. Vibroengineering Procedia (2014) 3, pp. 133-138 Scopus
Citas zinātniskās publikācijas
Sergejs Hilkevics, Gaļina Hilkevica, “New financial technologies use for Latvian companies financial health evaluation”. “5.starptautiskā zinātniskā conference “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development – EIRD 2017. Smart Growth of the Local Community in the Global World””, Conference materials, p. 40. Ventspils University College, 2017.
Sergejs Hilkevics, Gaļina Hilkevica, „ The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Financial Mathematics Teaching”. Abstracts of the “18th Conference Teaching mathematics: retrospective and perspectives”, May 12-13, 2017, Rīga, Latvia.
SERGEJS HILKEVICS, GALINA HILKEVICA, “THE ALGORITHM FOR CONDITIONAL STOCHASTIC OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM SOLVING”. Abstracts of the 11th Latvian Mathematical Conference, April 15-16, 2016, Daugavpils, Latvia. pp. 34, ISBN 978-9984-14-759-8
Sergejs Hilkevics, Galina Hilkevica, “Mathematical modeling of financial time series: problem of forecasting”. Abstracts of 21st International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis MMA2016, June 1-4, 2016, Tartu, Estonia. pp. 27, ISBN 978-9949-9180-9-6
S.N. Polukoshko, G.I. Hilkevica, V.F. Gonca (2014). VIBRATIONS STUDYING USING SINGULAR SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. Вибрационные технологии, мехатроника и управляемые машины. Сборник научных трудов, Том 2, р. 74-80. ISBN 978-5-7681-0731-4
Juris R. Kalnins, Galina Hilkevica, „Interactive Teaching of the Mathematical Modeling Concepts” Proceeding of the “14th International Conference Teaching mathematics: retrospective and perspectives”, May 9-11, 2013, Jelgava, Latvia. ISBN 978-9984-48-146-3
Galina Hilkevica, „Problems with parameters in teaching of mathematics” Abstracts of the “14th International Conference Teaching mathematics: retrospective and perspectives”, May 9-11, 2013, Jelgava, Latvia. ISBN 978-9984-48-101-2,
Svetlana N. Polukoshko, Galina I. Hilkevica, “SIGNAL PROCESSING BY MEANS OF “CATERPILLAR” – SSA METHOD”. Iesniegts publicēšanai žurnālā Advances in Vibration Engineering (AVE)
Svetlana N. Polukoshko,
Galina I. Hilkevica, “SIGNAL PROCESSING BY MEANS OF “CATERPILLAR” – SSA METHOD” Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems Z. Dimitrovová et al. (eds.). September 9-12, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. (564 )