On 14th October, representatives of Ventspils Digital Centre visited Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS). They were shown the new interactive classroom and told about the future development plans of the university.
Led by distance learning methodologist Gints Dreifogels, guests were given a chance to try out the possibilities of the digital interactive classroom, as well as to see a demonstration of how a lecturer works in such a classroom. Guests listened intently and asked questions.
The manager of the project “Next Generation Micro Cities of Europe (UIA03-250) Maija Cēbere told about the expected results of the project and the path that had led to the interactive digital classroom in the existing format. The next step is to create a video recording studio where teachers will be able to prepare studying materials for both on-site and distance lectures. In the coming year, distance learning strategy of the university will be developed, the existing courses will be modernized and new modern courses will be created, in which lecturers will use latest educational technology methodology and offer their lectures completely online.
The project manager also informed about the ongoing work of developing the new Ventspils University of Applied Sciences application. The app will be intended mainly for students, lecturers and university staff. Visual design sketches were shown to the guests, to give an idea of how the university app would look like and what sections would be available. The app will help its users to easily plan and view their lecture schedule, statistically analyse room commissioning data, as well as ensure quick and effective communication between lecturers, students and administration.
The project is co-funded within the framework of the European Regional Development Fond initiative “Urban Innovative Actions”. This message reflects only the author`s point of view and the authorities of initiative “Urban Innovative Actions” are not responsible for the potential use of this information.