Pētnieks - Inženierzinātņu institūts "Ventspils Starptautiskais
radioastronomijas centrs" (IZI VSRC)
IZI VSRC nodaļa: Astronomija un astrofizika
+371 63629657
Fizikas un astronomijas nozare, Astrofizikas un fundamentālās astronomijas apakšnozare
Zinātniskās publikācijas indeksētas Scopus un Web of Science
Bleiders, M.; Antyufeyev, O.; Patoka, O.; Orbidans, A., Aberfelds, A., Steinbergs, J., Bezrukovs, V., Shmeld, I. Spectral Line Registration Backend Based on USRP X300 Software Defined Radio. JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTATION Volume: 9 Issue: 2 2020, https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S2251171720500099 Scopus
Bezrukovs, Vl., Shteinbergs, J., Shmeld, I., Aberfelds, A., Bleiders, M., Orbidans, A., Skirmante, K., Gawronski, M., Feiler, R. First interferometric observations in Irbene - Torun baseline conducted by VIRAC. Proceedings of Science, Volume 344, 2018, 14th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting, EVN 2018; Main Auditorium of the Parque de las Ciencias of GranadaGranada; Spain; 8 October Scopus
Aberfelds, A., Shmeld, I., & Berzins, K. Long term 6.7 GHz methanol maser monitoring program. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13(S336), 277-278. doi:10.1017/S1743921317009437; 2017, Published online: 16 July 2018 Scopus
Citas zinātniskās publikācijas
A. Aberfelds, I. Shmeld, K. Berzins. First 10 months methanol maser monitoring results with Irbene radio telescopes. Space Research Review, Volume 5, 2018, p.7-15, ISBN 978-9984-648-89-7
Artis Aberfelds, Ivar Smeld, A.M.Sobolev, A. P. Bisyarina, Alexander Tolmachev, A. M. Tatarnikov. Flare of methanol maser in G107.298+5.639 in September happened 2 days earlier than expected. Astronomers Telegram (Atel) http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=12066
Бисярина А.П., Соболев А.М., Татарников A.М., Шенаврин В.И., Aberfelds A., Shmeld I., Толмачев A.M., Вольвач A.E. Инфракрасный фотометрический мониторинг молодых звездных объектов, связанных со вспыхивающими мазерными источниками. Астрономия - 2018, 1, 80 – 83, 978-5-9909280-4-6; 978-5-9909280-5, doi: 10.31361/eaas.2018-1.014, http://www.sai.msu.su/EAAS/rus/confs/EAAS_XIII/v1.pdf
Berzins, K., Shmeld, I., & Aberfelds A. Rapid burst of 6.7 GHz methanol maser in the high mass star region G33.641-0.228. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13(S336), 61-62. doi:10.1017/S1743921318000819; Published online: 16 July 2018 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/proceedings-of-the-international-astronomical-union/article/rapid-burst-of-67-ghz-methanol-maser-in-the-high-mass-star-region-g336410228/249BC74249C09ACE3FE37C7B4871AE1A
Shmeld, I., Aberfelds, A., Bērziņš, K., Bezrukovs, V., Bleiders, M., & Orbidans, A. First Galactic Maser Observations on Ventspils Radio Telescopes – Instrumentation and Data Reduction. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13(S336), 445-446. doi:10.1017/S1743921317011346; Published online: 16 July 2018, ISBN: 1743-9213 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/proceedings-of-the-international-astronomical-union/article/first-galactic-maser-observations-on-ventspils-radio-telescopes-instrumentation-and-data-reduction/ABA17A82C32E090EB6622F970ADCD351
Aberfelds A., Shmeld I., Berzins K. Long term methanol maser monitoring program by Irbene observatory. BAASP 2017 - 5th International Scientific Conference "Baltic Applied Astroinformatics and Space Data Processing 23-24 August, 2017. Abstract Book. ISBN 978-9984-648-73-6, p. 12
A.Aberfelds, I.Shmeld. " 6.7 GHZ METHANOL MASER MONITORING PROGRAM ON VENTSPILS 32 M RADIO TELESCOPE RESEARCH NOTE" Space Research review, 2016, Vol 4, p.42-45, VIRAC, ISBN 978-9984-48-053-7