ITF studiju kursi 2023/2024

Basics of economics (Ekonomikas pamati)


Pirmdiena/ 9:00-10:30 Ceturdiena/ 9:00-10:30 10:40-12:10

Pirmdiena Ceturtdiena

Piekdiena/ tikai 16.04., 30.04. Ceturdiena/ 10.02.2025. - 15.06.2025.


Profesionālā bakalaura


Pirmdiena/ A205 Ceturdiena/ A307

Sanita Lasmane


The processes taking place in the market economy directly or indirectly affect every citizen of the country. Therefore, decision-making requires an understanding of economic processes. Within the framework of the course, the structure of the economy will be examined and the main economic processes will be analyzed. Students will learn how market economies work, how GDP is formed, what factors affect inflation, and the laws of supply and demand will be studied. We will also look at the basics of the state budget and tax policy.


"1. Introduction to market economy 

2. Demand supply model 

3. Competition in the market economy 

4. Key macroeconomic indicators 

5. Theory of money 

6. The central bank and its role in the economy 

7. The theory of inflation 

8. Introduction to monetary policy 

9. Exchange rate theory 

10. Introduction to Fiscal Policy 

11. Introduction tax policy 

12. Theory of economic cycles"

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