"1. Introduction. Algorithms. Program. Programming paradigms. Review the most popular programming language. Programming languages trends.
2. Programming language C++. Language standards. Integrated Development Environments. C++ program structure. Compilation and execution. Error detection and repairing. Syntax and semantics..
3. Variables, built-in data types. Constants. Operators. Operator precedence. Input/output using standard devices. Comments. C++ programming best practices.
4. Conditional and logical operators. Branching statements.
5. Loop statements.
6. Functions. C++ standard library functions. Function definition (prototype and implementation). Function overloading. Scope of variables.
7. Creating and Using Arrays. Multidimensional arrays..
8. Characters, arrays of characters, and strings (C-style strings and the C++ string class). String manipulation using C++ library functions.
9. C++ standard libraries: vector, algorithm.
10. References. Addresses and pointers. Use of the operators * and &. Pointers and arrays. Pointer arithmetic.
11. Memory management in C ++. Scope, visibility, and lifetime of a variable in C++. Types of memory. Static, automatic, and dynamic variables. Dynamic arrays..
12. C++ input and output streams. Working with text files (writing, reading information).
13. Compound C++ types: enumerations and structures."