Martín Calvo, Rafael. 2018. “Approaches to the Semantic Characterization of Evaluative Forms”. In: The word: aspects of research, vol. 22, Smiltniece, Gunta and Lauze, Linda (eds.). Liepaja: Liepaja University, 2018, pp. 32–41.
Martín Calvo, Rafael. 2019. “Evaluative Morphology: Conditions and Properties of Evaluative Forms Obtained by Affixation”. In Bridging Languages and Cultures. Linguistics, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication, edited by Guntars Dreijers, Agnese Dubova, and Jānis Veckrācis. Berlin: Frank & Timme, pp. 133–151.
Martín Calvo, Rafael. 2019. “Morphosyntactic procedures in the translation of evaluative forms from Spanish to Latvian”. In Translation Today: National Identity in Focus. Organ, Michał (ed.). Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 183-195. DOI: ‒ 10.3726/b15753.
Martín Calvo, Rafael. 2019. “Morphological Typology of Affixed Evaluative Forms in Spanish and Latvian”. In Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti: rakstu krājums, 23 (1/2). Gunta Smiltniece and Linda Lauze. (eds.). Liepāja: LiePA, pp. 108-120.
Martín Calvo, Rafael. 2020. “Morphosyntactic Procedures in the Translation of Pejorative Senses in Evaluative Forms from Spanish to Latvian”. In Translatum nostrum. La traducción y la interpretación en el ámbito humanista. Botella Tejera, Carla; Javier Franco Aixelá and Catalina Iliescu Gheorghiu (eds.). Granada: Comares, pp. 39-58
Martín Calvo, Rafael. 2020. “Evaluative Derivatives and Evaluative Forms: Two Distinct Groups of Affixed Lexical Units in Evaluative Morphology”. In Bridging Languages and Cultures II. Linguistics, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication. Guntars Dreijers, Jānis Sīlis, Silga Sviķe, and Jānis Veckrācis (eds.). Berlin: Frank & Timme, pp. 133–151.
Martín Calvo, Rafael. 2020. “A contrastive analysis of the distribution of affixed evaluative forms across word classes in Spanish and Latvian”. (Recenzēts un pieņemts publicēšanai 5. starptautiskās jauno lingvistu konferences VIA SCIENTIARIUM rakstu krājumā)